About Harley Owners Group Geelong
Welcome to Geelong HOG!
We're proudly sponsored by Geelong Harley Davidson 506-508 Latrobe Blvd, Newtown VictoriaGeelong Motorcycle Club Inc (Geelong HOG) is a family-oriented club who are passionate about owning and riding Harley-Davidson motorcycles and socialising with like-minded people. We have a mix of chapter organised rides every month, including short and long rides and some overnight rides. Several times a year we also ride interstate to H.O.G. rallies where we represent our chapter. Our chapter rides are organised by our dedicated team of road captains with an emphasis on safe riding and having fun.
Monthly chapter rides are on the third Sunday of each month, with chapter meetings held on the last Wednesday of the month. (except December).
Take a look at the Calendar to see the events and activities we have planned. We have a growing number of Ladies of Harley. For more information feel free to contact us.
Please note that before you join Geelong Motorcycle Club Inc (Geelong HOG), you must first be a member of H.O.G. international (refer to H.O.G. site).
Ride Safe and Have Fun.
Ann-Maree Slevin
Geelong HOG Chapter